IMG 4902

IMG 4902

Chartres west side, central portal, tympanum

• Christ in glory sits in the center, surrounded by symbols of the four gospel authors (evangelists):

• Matthew - winged man
• Mark - winged lion
• Luke - winged ox or bull
• John - eagle

• In the lintel beneath, the twelve apostles are in four groups of three.
• To their immediate left stands Elijah; to their right stands Enoch.

• The first archivolt: twelve angels.
• The second and third archivolts: twenty-four elders of the apocalypse (see Revelation 4:4).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #4 evangelists #Chartres #Elijah #Enoch #france #Jesus Christ #Saint John #Saint Luke #Saint Mark #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #apostles #cathedral #Detail #exterior #lintel #west side

Lancet Windows South Rose Chartres

Lancet Windows South Rose Chartres

†South side, lancets, left to right: demonstrates the OT as the foundation for the NT witness of Christ

• Window 095D - South side, near right lancet: Saint John on Ezekiel, beneath is arms of donor Pierre Mauclerc and his son.

• Window 095E - South side, far right lancet: Saint Mark on Daniel, beneath is arms of donor Pierre Mauclerc and his son.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #4 evangelists #Chartres #Count of Dreux #Daniel #Ezekiel #france #Saint John #Saint Mark #TCS-photo #Win095D #Win095E #cathedral #donors identified #lancet windows #restored #shoulders of giants #south side #stained glass #whole-windows

South Rose Lancet Windows Chartres

South Rose Lancet Windows Chartres

†South side, lancets, left to right: demonstrates the OT as the foundation for the NT witness of Christ

• Window 095C - South side, far left lancet: Saint Luke on Jeremiah, beneath is arms of donor's wife and daughter.

• Window 095B - South side, near left lancet: Saint Matthew on Isaiah, beneath is arms of donor's wife and daughter.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #4 evangelists #Chartres #Countess of Dreux #france #Isaiah #Jeremiah #Saint Luke #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #Win095B #Win095C #cathedral #donors identified #lancet windows #restored #shoulders of giants #south side #stained glass #whole-windows



†South side, lancets, left to right: demonstrates the OT as the foundation for the NT witness of Christ

• Window 095C - South side, far left lancet: Saint Luke on Jeremiah, beneath is arms of donor's wife and daughter.

• Window 095B - South side, near left lancet: Saint Matthew on Isaiah, beneath is arms of donor's wife and daughter.

• Window 095A - South side, central lancet: Mary with Infant Christ, beneath is arms of donor Dreux-Brittany.

• Window 095D - South side, near right lancet: Saint John on Ezekiel, beneath is arms of donor Pierre Mauclerc and his son.

• Window 095E - South side, far right lancet: Saint Mark on Daniel, beneath is arms of donor Pierre Mauclerc and his son.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #4 evangelists #Chartres #Daniel #Ezekiel #france #Infant Christ #Isaiah #Jeremiah #Mary #Saint John #Saint Luke #Saint Mark #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #Win095A #Win095B #Win095C #Win095D #Win095E #cathedral #donors identified #lancet windows #restored #shoulders of giants #south side #stained glass #whole-windows

South Rose Chartres

South Rose Chartres

† Window 095 - South rose: Christ in glory, after Revelation of St. John

Surrounded by the four beasts and 24 elders of the apocalypse. Angels and elders hold musical instruments, censers, and vials of perfume. Note the coat of arms (blue and yellow checkerboard) of the donors, Pierre Mauclerc of Dreux-Brittany.

• Saint Matthew - angel with book
• Saint John - eagle

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #24 Elders of the Apocalypse #4 Beasts of the Apocalypse #4 evangelists #Chartres #Christ in Glory #Dreux #france #Jesus Christ #Revelation #Saint John #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #Win095 #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #restored #rose window #south side #stained glass

The South Rose Chartres Cathedral – Version 2

The South Rose Chartres Cathedral – Version 2

† Window 095 - South rose: Christ in glory, after Revelation of St. John

Surrounded by the four beasts and 24 elders of the apocalypse. Angels and elders hold musical instruments, censers, and vials of perfume. Note the coat of arms (blue and yellow checkerboard) of the donors, Pierre Mauclerc of Dreux-Brittany.

• Saint Matthew - angel with book
• Saint John - eagle

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #24 Elders of the Apocalypse #4 Beasts of the Apocalypse #4 evangelists #Chartres #Christ in Glory #Dreux #france #Jesus Christ #Revelation #Saint John #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #Win095 #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #restored #rose window #south side #stained glass

IMG 4901

IMG 4901

Chartres west side, central portal, tympanum

• Christ in glory sits in the center, surrounded by symbols of the four gospel authors (evangelists):

• Matthew - winged man
• Mark - winged lion
• Luke - winged ox or bull
• John - eagle

• In the lintel beneath, the twelve apostles are in four groups of three.
• To their immediate left stands Elijah; to their right stands Enoch.

• The first archivolt: twelve angels.
• The second and third archivolts: twenty-four elders of the apocalypse (see Revelation 4:4).

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #24 Elders of the Apocalypse #4 evangelists #Chartres #Elijah #Enoch #france #Jesus Christ #Saint John #Saint Luke #Saint Mark #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #apostles #cathedral #exterior #lintel #tympanum #west side

IMG 5012

IMG 5012

† Window 095 - South rose: Christ in glory, after Revelation of St. John

Surrounded by the four beasts and 24 elders of the apocalypse. Angels and elders hold musical instruments, censers, and vials of perfume. Note the coat of arms (blue and yellow checkerboard) of the donors, Pierre Mauclerc of Dreux-Brittany.

• Saint John - eagle
• Saint Luke - winged bull

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #24 Elders of the Apocalypse #4 Beasts of the Apocalypse #4 evangelists #Chartres #Christ in Glory #Dreux #france #Jesus Christ #Revelation #Saint John #Saint Luke #TCS-photo #Win095 #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #restored #rose window #south side #stained glass



†South side, lancets, left to right: demonstrates the OT as the foundation for the NT witness of Christ

• Window 095C - South side, far left lancet: Saint Luke on Jeremiah, beneath is arms of donor's wife and daughter.

• Window 095B - South side, near left lancet: Saint Matthew on Isaiah, beneath is arms of donor's wife and daughter.

• Window 095A - South side, central lancet: Mary with Infant Christ, beneath is arms of donor Dreux-Brittany.

• Window 095D - South side, near right lancet: Saint John on Ezekiel, beneath is arms of donor Pierre Mauclerc and his son.

• Window 095E - South side, far right lancet: Saint Mark on Daniel, beneath is arms of donor Pierre Mauclerc and his son.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #4 evangelists #Chartres #Daniel #Ezekiel #france #Infant Christ #Isaiah #Jeremiah #Mary #Saint John #Saint Luke #Saint Mark #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #Win095A #Win095B #Win095C #Win095D #Win095E #cathedral #donors identified #lancet windows #restored #shoulders of giants #south side #stained glass #whole-windows

IMG 5013

IMG 5013

† Window 095 - South rose: Christ in glory, after Revelation of St. John

Surrounded by the four beasts and 24 elders of the apocalypse. Angels and elders hold musical instruments, censers, and vials of perfume. Note the coat of arms (blue and yellow checkerboard) of the donors, Pierre Mauclerc of Dreux-Brittany.

• Saint Matthew - angel with book
• Saint John - eagle
• Saint Luke - winged bull
• Saint Mark - winged lion

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #24 Elders of the Apocalypse #4 Beasts of the Apocalypse #4 evangelists #Chartres #Christ in Glory #Dreux #france #Jesus Christ #Revelation #Saint John #Saint Luke #Saint Mark #Saint Matthew #TCS-photo #Win095 #cathedral #Detail #donors identified #restored #rose window #south side #stained glass